Frazers Telegram Channel

Lady questions those advising married women to leave their abusive partners


A young lady identified as Fatima Saleh has questioned those who advise married women to leave their abusive partners.

The lady asked where those women suffering in their marriages live.

Lady questions those advising married women to leave their abusive partnersLady questions those advising married women to leave their abusive partners
Woman being abused

According to her, most of these women stay in abusive marriages because some parents give their strict warnings never to return from their husband’s houses immediately after they marry.

She highlights that most parents are not ready to welcome their daughters home from their failed marriages, hence forcing these women to stay in their abusive marriages.

“Those of you who always tell women in an abusive marriage to leave. To where, please? Where should they leave to? This is a serious question.

“Do you know there are parents that do make this strict warning to their female child “as you’re leaving this house, you dare not return, your husband’s home is your home from henceforth”, you can only visit and go”.

I keep on seeing abusive marriage everywhere but the question is, how many family are ready to welcome their daughter from a failed marriage?.”

My sister saw this tweet and said if Allah wills she’ll build a big house for women in abusive marriages who have nowhere to go because their parents told them not to return home ..and provide them with everything ❤

May Allah give u the courage and ability to do so”, part of her post read.

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